Put your storytelling in motion.

Actionable tools, tips and resources to level up your
Generative AIVisual StorytellingFilmmaking game

Stay On Target...

Actionable tools, tips
and resources for…

Beginner Filmmakers
Visual Storytellers
Generative AI Creators

Whether you are just starting out in AI, getting started in visual storytelling or going all in on building a creative film making business, it's all covered here.

digital fingerprint

Develop A Creative Mindset

Cultivate a strong creative mindset so you can find inspiration from anywhere to help you tell powerful visual stories and apply the 'what if?' principle to your filmmaking projects.

Digital Filmmaking using Generative AI

Build, Grow And Get Results

Learn how to use effective visual storytelling principles and tools to build, grow and make your filmmaking thrive with a unique distinct voice.

Digital fire

Ignite Your Skills

Learn how to enhance and optimise your creative skills by harnessing the latest digital tools, keeping you ahead of the competition.

Hi I'm Simon. Welcome!

Blogging and digital marketing with Simon Wild

Hey there and welcome to bysimonwild.com :) Here, I teach film makers, visual storytellers and AI content creators how to tell their story and optimise their skills using creative software, digital tools and through practical tips and useful resources. 

You can read my personal story here